Before 3.1.0, KafkaStream's stream-to-stream outer join used to produce a bit counterintuitive output. When we have stream s1, s2 with 10 seconds window, s1.leftJoin(s2) produces below output before 3.1.0: refs: kstream-kstream-join in 3.0…
Electron provides the API to get clipboard data via clipboard.readImage. However, I found it doesn't preserve original image info so some information may drop. Notably, pHYs metadata in PNG. The problem arises when we take a screenshot in …
Incremental Fetch Requests introduced in Kafka 1.1.0 is a mechanism to reduce Fetch overhead (especially when a client is interested in many partitions e.g. ReplicaFetchers) cwiki.apache.org Before KIP-227, all topic partitions had to be e…